
Recette à base de plantes : Yerba Mate & Gingembre

Recette à base de plantes : Yerba Mate & Gingembre

Fais le plein d'antioxydants et renforce ton système immunitaire avec une recette à base de Yerba maté, provenant d'Amérique du Sud. Cette recette te donnera l'énergie et tous les bienfaits pour te...

Comment est produit le Maté ?

How is Mate produced?

How is Mate produced? This drink has been part of South American life for hundreds of years. Over time, different communities have developed different techniques for growing, harvesting and proc...

Boire du maté pour la concentration: Est-ce utile ?

Drinking mate for concentration: Is it useful?

Mate is much more than just a drink! This infusion also has several health benefits, such as energizing properties, and is also widely used to promote concentration and mental stimulation. ...

5 raisons d’amener ton maté dans ta prochaine aventure!

5 reasons to bring your mate on your next adventure!

Yerba mate is definitely your new favorite adventure companion. Find out why we can no longer leave without bringing some with us in our luggage! 1. To stay focused on what matters! Mate offer...

Comment se consomme la Yerba Maté ?

How is Yerba Mate consumed?

Mate is the most consumed drink in South America. This traditional South American drink is enjoyed in many countries, including Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil and Uruguay. Each country has been drink...

Fatigue : causes et remèdes

Fatigue: causes and remedies

Fatigue is a very common complaint today. 10 to 25% of people who consult a general practitioner complain of always being tired. This fatigue can be temporary or lasting, and when it persists despi...